Available list* : 2023 NYC Rent Stabilized Buildings

Results: Please enter a building number and street (e.g., 123 Main St).

Important Notice

With passage of the "Statewide Housing Security and Tenant Protection Act of 2019" law, many areas of the CityOfNewYork.us website about Rent Stabilized Buildings are out-of-date and no longer reflect current law. In particular, significant changes have been made regarding vacancy increases, deregulation, preferential rent, Major Capital Improvements, Individual Apartment Improvements, security deposits, and many other areas. Until individual webpages are updated, please contact NYS Homes and Community Renewal (HCR), the agency that enforces the rent laws, for more information.

See Also: Definitions for Rent Regulation and Building Statuses.

Search Buildings That Contain Rent Stabilized Units

This website provides a tool for quickly searching all published lists of Rent Stabilized buildings. RSBL.nyc does not create nor maintain these lists, which are available directly from the CityOfNewYork.us website in PDF format, and therefore does not attest to the accuracy or completeness of these lists. * As more current lists become available to the public, this resource will be updated and building records that no longer appear on updated lists will be removed from the search.

The buildings that are listed have filed records with the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) at least one time from 1984 to the list year. Inclusion on this list is not determinative of the building's current status. This list may not include all buildings that have rent regulated tenants. A building may contain rent stabilized apartments, rent controlled apartments or a mix of rent stabilized and rent controlled apartments. If the owner of the building has filed an application for Maximum Base Rent increase within the last four years, rent controlled apartments may exist in the building.

The results do not list which apartments in these buildings are rent stabilized, only those buildings that contain at least one rent stabilized unit (per owner registrations).

Fact Sheet about Rent Stabilization and Rent Control in New York City (hcr.ny.gov)
Download: Fact Sheet (PDF)


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